The coastal and marine environment is a major provider of goods and services, such as food, fossil fuels, construction materials, transport and recreation. It also hosts an invaluable biodiversity that forms complex ecosystems which are threatened by human activities such as agriculture, fisheries, aquaculture, shipping, urbanisation and tourism.
【Topics Covered in this App are Listed Below】
⇢ Coastal and Marine Environment Concepts and Significances.
⇢ Geological Evolution of Coastal and Marine Environments off the Campania Continental Shelf Through Marine Geological Mapping - The Example of the Cilento Promontory.
⇢ Engineering Tools for the Estimation of Dredging-Induced Sediment Resuspension and Coastal Environmental Management.
⇢ Neo-tectonic Movement in the Pearl River Delta (PRD) Region of China and Its Effects on the Coastal Sedimentary Environment.
⇢ Review of Mercury Circulation Changes in the Coastal Zone of Southern Baltic Sea.
⇢ Computational Analysis of System and Design Parameters of Electrodeposition for Marine Applications.
⇢ Fabrication and Properties of Zinc Composite Coatings for Mitigation of Corrosion in Coastal and Marine Zone.
⇢ Dynamic Characterisation of Open-ended Pipe Piles in Marine Environment.
⇢ Relationship between Bulk Metal Concentration and Bioavailability in Tropic Estuarine Sediments.
⇢ Stable Isotope Techniques to Address Coastal Marine Pollution.
⇢ Investigation of Po-210 and Heavy Metal Concentration in Seafood Due to Coal Burning ñ Case Study in Malaysia.
⇢ Atmospheric Pollution Causes Deterioration of Sweeteners of Treats and Decreases Competitiveness in the Food Industry of Coastal Baja California, Mexico.
⇢ Depositional Environment of Phosphorites of the Sonrai Basin, Lalitpur District, Uttar Pradesh, India.
⇢ Management of Marine Protected Zones Case Study of Bahrain, Arabian Gulf.
⇢ Monitoring the Coastal Environment Using Remote Sensing and GIS Techniques.
⇢ Human History of Maritime Exploitation and Adaptation Process to Coastal and Marine Environments A View from the Case of Wallacea and the Pacific.
⇢ Australia state of the environment
⇢ Marine regions
⇢ Coral Sea Marine Region
⇢ South-east Marine Region
⇢ Drivers influencing the marine environment
⇢ Pressures affecting the marine environment
⇢ Climate and system variability
⇢ Climate change
⇢ Ocean acidification
⇢ Nutrient supply
⇢ Box MAR1
⇢ Commercial and recreational fishing
⇢ Box MAR2 Footprint of commercial demersal trawl fishing
⇢ Temporal variation in footprint
⇢ Recreational fishing
⇢ Traditional use of marine resources
⇢ Marine oil and gas exploration and production
⇢ Decommissioning of infrastructure
⇢ Marine vessel activity
⇢ Marine debris
⇢ Toxins, pesticides and herbicides
⇢ State and trends of marine biodiversity
⇢ Coral Sea Marine Region
⇢ South-east Marine Region
⇢ Species groups
⇢ State and trends of indicators of marine ecosystem health
⇢ Ecological processes
⇢ Diseases, outbreaks and blooms
⇢ Effectiveness of marine management
⇢ Environment protection systems
⇢ Resilience of the marine environment
⇢ Managing for resilience
⇢ Residual risks to the marine environment
⇢ Outlook for the marine environment
⇢ Ecosystem restoration
⇢ Sustained ocean monitoring
⇢ Key gaps in evaluating the marine environment